PreChat Survey/ Rich Content Engine

Nuance Messaging SDK allows Applications to display a Survey before starting an engagement. Surveys can be used to collect basic customer informations that are then send to agent/VA.This way agents will know their customer in the begining of the engagement.

A Survey can direct Customer to the right Business unit he/she wants to engage with.

Rich Content Widget.

Rich Content widgets are displayed in the messaging window during an engagement as an inline message or within a chat bubble.

  1. Overview
  2. Creating Native automaton configuration
  3. Code a Node
  4. Adding a form control to the node
  5. Heading Properties
  6. Paragraph Properties
  7. Input Properties
  8. Select Properties
  9. CheckBox Properties
  10. Radio Properties
  11. Button Properties
  12. ListGroup Properties
  13. Card Properties
  14. CardDeck Properties
  15. Configuring Form Control Visibility and Enable State
  16. Creating Guard Condtion
  17. Configuring Transitions
  18. Styling Form Controls
Prechat Survey supports following features.

Survey results are send to agent as datapass.

Prechat Engine can route the engagement to different AG and BU upon survey submission.

Surveys can be configured to check the agent availability post submission before starting the engagement.

SDK let surveys to be displayed in more than one pages.

shadowed image
Setting up PreChat Survey

Application should pass guideIDas the key and value in the engage parameter Hash Map.

guideID as the key and value must be id that is configured in nuance database for the prechat JSON.

Rich Content features.

Rich content widget can interact with customers during an active engagement.

Widget can collect information which can then send to VA or agent during an engagement.

shadowed image
Setting up Rich Content Widgets

Rich content widget JSON payload can be send from Agent Interface as well as from VA.

Application must add nuanpreview.aar as a dependecy for Rich Widget engine to display Images.

Use below bool properties to enable and configure the rich media features.

Name type default description
showAvatarForRichWidget bool <bool name="showAvatarForRichWidget">false</bool>
Use this property to turn on avatar for inline widget view

Creating a Native Survey/Rich content configuration.

Following sections explains how to create a prechat survey/Rich content JSON configuration. This document also lists the styling classes exposed by the SDK.

JSON configuration which is fetched from nuance servers has limited styling elements , SDK allows application to customize the look and feel of these widgets.

Base Configuration Properties.

Following properties are the building blocks of Automaton configuration JSON.

widgetType Type of the Rich widget.
Supported values are quickreply or card or form or carosel or receipt

Default is form

Dependes upon the value SDK chooses different layout container

widgetView Rich Widget rendering mode.
Supported values are bubble or inline or popup

Setting to bubble make the SDK render Rich Widget inside an agent message bubble.

widgetType does not have any effect when widgetView is bubble.
shadowed image
widgetAction Customer action to the Rich Widget.
Supported values are optional or mandatory
Setting optional lets customer to do other things like typing in the bottom Input box and allows to click send button in the messaging window
nodes Nodes is an array contains one or more node. Each node represents a page in the PreChat Survey.
transitions Transitions contains one or more transition. Each transition handles logical transition of customer from one page(node) to another(node), sending Rich Message data etc
initialState Set the initial node that is displayed to the user
Styles Exposed By SDK for widget Inline Container.
quickreply shadowed image <style name="InlineQuickContainerDefault.quickContainer"></style>
card shadowed image <style name="InlineCardContainerDefault.cardContainer"></style>
form shadowed image <style name="InlineFormContainerDefault.formWidgetContainer"></style>
carosel <style name="InlineCaroselContainerDefault.caroselContainer"></style>
receipt <style name="InlineReceiptContainerDefault.receiptWidgetContainer"></style>

	  "widgetType": "form",
	  "widgetView": "bubble",
	  "widgetAction": "optional",
	  "nodes": [],

Creating a Node (page).

A node represents a page in the survey. A node contains one or more form elements for collecting Customer information or to guide customer to the right business unit.

Following properties must be set in every nodes.

id Node Id.
controls An object describing the form elements displayed in this node. Each form control in this node is assigned to an indexed property of this object. Index number starts with 0 and increments for every new form element.

	   "widgetType": "form",
	  "widgetView": "bubble",
	  "widgetAction": "optional",
	  "constants": [],
	  "nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "controls": {
      "0": {
	  "1": {

Adding a form control to the node.

A form Control Object witin a node describes an element that is displayed to the user.

A form control can optionally have a label control.

Form control you wish to display must be assigned to an indexed property of parent control object.

There are three parts to the Form Control JSON object , ie Control Properties, Validation Properties,Events Supported

Control Properties: Control properties are used to define the behaviour of the control.

Validation Properties: Validation properties specifies the validation that will be performed on the user provided input during the form submission.

Each validation property is a JSON object with following fields.

required value: true or false error: message that is displayed to user if it doesn't pass this validation
minlength length: integer value error: message that is displayed to user if it doesn't pass this validation
maxlength length: integer value error: message that is displayed to user if it doesn't pass this validation
pattern value: regex string for pattern matching error: message that is displayed to user if it doesn't pass this validation

Events: Events define events that the form control fires upon a user action.

name name of the event
when Optional, only required when event is other than form-control default

Event property is a JSON object with the and optionally a when

Heading Properties

type type of the form control. Heading
text Heading text that is displayed in the heading.
level Supported values are 1 to 6
context Sets an object with style properties

	 	"widgetType": "form",
	  	"widgetView": "bubble",
	  	"widgetAction": "optional",
	  	"nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "controls": {
      "0": {
            "type": "Heading",
        	"level": "5",
       		"text": "Select from one below"

Style Properties

Below style properties are avilable within json spec.

background Set background color
border set border color
textAlign set text alignment
text set text color
textStyle set heading style
normal|italic|bold (not recomended as heading has intrincic style)
textSize set heading size (not recomended as heading has intrincic size)
Example "context": { "text":"#ff0000", "background":"#D3D3D3" "border":"#808080" "}" shadowed image
Style Exposed for Application Developers

					<style name="GuideHeadingDefault.GuideHeading"></style>

Paragraph Properties

type type of the form control. Paragraph
text Heading text that is displayed in the heading.
context Sets an object with style properties
shadowed image

	 	"widgetType": "form",
	  	"widgetView": "bubble",
	  	"widgetAction": "optional",
	  	"nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "controls": {
      "0": {
            "type": "Paragraph",
       		"text": "lorel ipsum lorel ipusm lorel ipsum lorel ipusm lorel ipsum lorel ipusm lorel ipsum lorel ipusm lorel ipsum lorel ipusm click here"

Style Properties

Below style properties are avilable within json spec.

background Set background color
border set border color
text set text color
textStyle set paragraph style
textSize set paragraph size
Style Exposed for Application Developers

					<style name="GuideParagraphDefault.GuideParagraph"></style>


Input Properties
type type of the form control. Input
id Id of this form control.
placeholder Set the input place holder value.
label Set the optional label for this element.
helpText helper tooltip appear below the input.
actionType Set the input type. date,number, email,phone,text
context Sets an object with style properties
validation Json object describing the input validation properties.
"validation": { }
event Json object describing the events fired upon a user action.
Default fired event is onTextChange
Other Events are onEnterKeyPressed and onFocusOut
"event": { "name": "EventOne"}
Input Validation Properties

Validation properties can optionally set an error text which will be diplayed to the user if validation fails.

Following are the validation properties that are supported by Input control.

required Is input value is manditory for submitting the form
"required": {}
minlength Set the minimum length allowed for the provided input.
maxlength Set the maximum length allowed for the provided input.
pattern Set the regex pattern that is validated against the input.
shadowed image

    	"widgetType": "form",
	  "widgetView": "bubble",
	  "widgetAction": "optional",
	  "nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "form-controls": {
      "0": {
			  "label": "Please type your name:",
			  "id": "customerName",
			  "placeholder": "enter your name",
				"validation": {
				"required": {
				  "value": true,
				  "error": "Name is required"
				"minlength": {
				  "length": 5,
				  "error": "should be minimium 5 chars"
				"maxlength": {
				  "length": 30,
				  "error": "should not be more than 30 chars"
				"pattern": {
				  "value": "\\w+([\\.-]?\\w+)*@\\w+([\\.-]?\\w+)*(\\.\\w{2,3})+",
				  "error": "not a valid email address"
			  "event": {
				"name": "EventOne"

	  "1": {

Style Properties

Below style properties are avilable within json spec.

background Set background color
border set border color
text set label color
textAlign set label alignment
textStyle set label style
textSize set label size
Style Exposed for Application Developers

	<style name="GuideLabelDefault.GuideLabel"></style>

    <style name="GuideEditTextDefault.GuideEditText"></style>
    <style name="GuideErrorDefault.GuideError"></style>
    <style name="GuideHelperDefault.GuideHelper"></style>

Select Properties

type type of the form control. Select
id Id of this form control.
items An array of strings that will displayed to user upon clicking on it.
label Set the optional label for this element.
values An array of strings that will used as value for the item in the items array.
selectedIndex Default selected item from the items array.
header First item will be a header which doesn't have any selected index.
helpText helper tooltip appear below the input.
event Json object describing the events fired upon a user action. Default event is onItemSelected
"event": { "name": "EventTwo"}
context Sets an object with style properties
Select Validation Properties
required Set if check box selection is manditory.
"required": {}
shadowed image

	 "widgetType": "form",
	  	"widgetView": "bubble",
	  	"widgetAction": "optional",
	  "nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",

	  "0": {
			"label": "Please select from following services",
        	"type": "Select",
            "id": "services",
            "items": [
            "event": {
              "name": "EventSeven"

Style Properties

Below style properties are avilable within json spec.

background Set background color
border set border color
text set label color
textAlign set label alignment
textStyle set label style
textSize set label size
Style Exposed for Application Developers

	<style name="GuideLabelDefault.GuideLabel"></style>

    <style name="GuideSpinnerDefault.GuideSpinnerView"></style>
     <style name="GuideErrorDefault.GuideError"></style>
    <style name="GuideHelperDefault.GuideHelper"></style>

CheckBox Properties

type type of the form control. CheckBox
id Id of this form control.
label Set the optional label for this element.
items An array of strings that will displayed along with check box control.
values An array of strings that will used as value for the item in the items array.
helpText helper tooltip appear below the input.
event Json object describing the events fired upon a user action. Default event is onItemChecked
"event": { "name": "EventTwo", }
validation Json object describing the input validation properties.
"validation": { }
context Sets an object with style properties
CheckBox Validation Properties

Validation properties can optionally set an error text which will be diplayed to the user if validation fails.

Following are the validation properties that are supported by CheckBox control.

required Set if check box selection is manditory.
"required": {}
shadowed image

	 "widgetType": "form",
	  	"widgetView": "bubble",
	  	"widgetAction": "optional",
	  "nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "controls": {
      "0": {
            "text": "Please fill the below form:",
	  "1": {

            "id": "terms",
            "label": "Please accept terms and condition",
            "items": ["whats up"],
            "validation": {
              "required": {
                "value": true
            "event": {
              "name": "EventFive"


Style Properties

Below style properties are avilable within json spec.

background Set background color
border set border color
text set label color
textAlign set label alignment
textStyle set label style
textSize set label size
Style Exposed for Application Developers

	<style name="GuideLabelDefault.GuideLabel"></style>

    <style name="GuideCheckboxContainerDefault.GuideCheckboxContainer"></style>
    <style name="GuideCheckboxItemDefault.GuideCheckBox"></style>
      <style name="GuideErrorDefault.GuideError"></style>
    <style name="GuideHelperDefault.GuideHelper"></style>


Radio Properties

type type of the form control. RadioButton
id Id of this form control.
label Set the optional label for this element.
options An array of items that will be part of this radio group.
values An array of strings that will used as value for the item in the options array.
selectedIndex Default selected item from the options array.
helpText helper tooltip appear below the input.
event Json object describing the events fired upon a user action. Default event is onOptionChanged
"event": { "name": "EventTwo"}.
validation Json object describing the input validation properties.
"validation": { }
context Sets an object with style properties
Radio Validation Properties

Validation properties can optionally set an error text which will be diplayed to the user if validation fails.

Following are the validation properties that are supported by Radio control.

required Set if radio selection is manditory.
"required": {}
shadowed image

	 "widgetType": "form",
	  	"widgetView": "bubble",
	  	"widgetAction": "optional",
	  "nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "form-controls": {
       "0": {
            "text": "Please fill the below form:"
	  "1": {
			"label": "please select your gender",
            "id": "gender",
            "options": [
            "selectedIndex": 0,
            "event": {
              "name": "EventSix"

Style Properties

Below style properties are avilable within json spec.

background Set background color
border set border color
text set label color
textAlign set label alignment
textStyle set label style
textSize set label size
Style Exposed for Application Developers

	<style name="GuideLabelDefault.GuideLabel"></style>

<style name="GuideRadioGroupDefault.GuideRadioGroup"></style>
    <style name="GuideRadioButtonDefault.GuideRadioButton"></style>
      <style name="GuideErrorDefault.GuideError"></style>
    <style name="GuideHelperDefault.GuideHelper"></style>


Button Properties

Array of Button controls in the same node index is rendered horizontally.

type type of the form control. Button
id Id of this form control.
text text displayed on the button control.
actionType Set the type of the button.
submit: Default button state is to submit the form.
reset: Button for clearing the form.
cancel: Button for cancelling the current form.
end: Button for ending the guide, Used while rendering prechat Survey
event Json object describing the events fired upon a user action. Default event is onClick
"event": { "name": "EventTwo"}.
shadowed image

	 "widgetType": "form",
	  	"widgetView": "bubble",
	  	"widgetAction": "optional",
	  "nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "controls": {

	  "0": [
            "id": "cancelBtn",
            "text": "cancel",
            "type": "cancel",
            "event": {
              "name": "EventEight"
              "id": "submitBtn",
              "text": "Start Chat",
              "type": "submit",
              "event": {
                "name": "EventNine"

Style Properties

Below style properties are avilable within json spec.

style Supported value are outline or block or outline-block
"style": "outline"
shadowed image
shadowed image
context Supported Context are primary or secondary or success or danger or warning or info or light or dark or link shadowed image
size Supported values are small or large
Default is small
align left,right,center(default)
Lets you postion the inline style button relative to parent container, default value is center.
Style Exposed for Application Developers

    <style name="GuideButtonDefault.GuideButtonView"></style>

Two inline button side by side
shadowed image
Two block button side by side
shadowed image
QuickReply Button
type type of the form control. QuickReplyButton
id Id of this form control.
text Array of text elements.
values Array of values that is associated with each element.
event Json object describing the events fired upon a user action. Default event is onClick
"event": { "name": "EventTwo"}.
align left,right,center(default)
Lets you postion the inline style button relative to parent container, default value is center.
shadowed image


	 "widgetType": "form",
	  	"widgetView": "bubble",
	  	"widgetAction": "optional",
	  "nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "controls": {

	  "0": {
            "id": "cancelBtn",
             "text": [
                        "none of the above"
            "event": {
              "name": "EventEight"

ListGroup Properties

type type of the form control. ListGroup
id Id of this form control.
items Array of strings displayed as list items.
header Text that is displayed as header
event Json object describing the events fired upon a user action. Default eventis onItemSelected
"event": { "name": "EventTwo"}
shadowed image

	  "widgetType": "form",
	  	"widgetView": "bubble",
	  	"widgetAction": "optional",
	  "nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "controls": {
	  "0": {
	  		  "type": "ListGroup",
			  "id": "listitem",
			  "items": ["test","test1","test2"],
			  "event": {
				"name": "EventOne"


Style Exposed for Application Developers

    <style name="GuideListHeaderDefault.GuideListHeader"></style>
    <style name="GuideListItemDefault.GuideListItem"></style>

ListSelectableGroup properties
type type of the form control. ListSelectableGroup
id Id of this form control.
items Array of strings displayed as list items.
header Text that is displayed as header
event Json object describing the events fired upon a user action. Default eventis onItemSelected
"event": { "name": "EventTwo"}
shadowed image
Style Exposed for Application Developers

    <style name="GuideListHeaderDefault.GuideListHeader"></style>
    <style name="GuideListItemDefault.GuideListItem"></style>

       <color name="guidelistitemBackground">#FFFFFF</color>
    <color name="guidelistitemTextColor">#000000</color>
    <color name="guidelistitemSelectedBackground">#007bff</color>
    <color name="guidelistitemSelectedTextColor">#FFFFFF</color>

Image Properties

type type of the form control. Image
id Id of this form control.
src Array of image urls.
size set width and height of the image
layout vertical or horizontal
Default value is vertical
shadowed image

Card Properties

type type of the form control. Card
id Id of this form control.
cardTitle Optional card title text.
cardSubTitle Optional card subtitle text
cardText Optional card subtitle text
cardImage Optional card image that gets displayed either top, left or as overlay
cardButtons Optional buttons that gets displayed in the card footer
listGroup Optional listgroup that gets displayed in the card body
header Optional text that gets displayed in the header area, Displaying header will hide card_image
size Use this property to set the width of the card
shadowed image

	  "widgetType": "form",
	  	"widgetView": "bubble",
	  	"widgetAction": "optional",
	  "nodes": [{
    "id": "view1",
    "controls": {
	  "0": {
	  		  "type": "Card",
			  "id": "card",
			  "cardSubTitle": "iPhone 11 Pro Max",
			  "cardText": "asdfsadf",
			   "cardImage": {
                        "src": "",
                        "position": "top"
                        "type": "Button",
                        "id": "button1",
                      	"context": "secondary",
			  "event": {
				"name": "EventOne"


Horizontal card view
shadowed image
Header card view
shadowed image
List card view
shadowed image
Style Properties

Below style properties are avilable within json spec.

cardBorder card border color
bottomSeperator sperator between card buttons and body
headerBackground header background color
header header text color
color card backround color
title title color
subTitle title color
text body text color

CardDeck Properties

type type of the form control. CardDeck
id Id of this form control.
cards Array of cards.
shadowed image

Configuring Form Control Visibility and Enable State

Automaton engine provides a way to configure the visibility and Enabled/Disabled state of the form-control.

Engine changes the form control state dynamicaly when a give condition matches.

How it works?

Form control can listen to events fired by other control in the same node. All the other form controls in the same node gets triggered upon matching the event name fired by the other control.

Once triggered, form control evaluate the Guard condition provided in JSON configuration. Refer the section Creating Guard Condition.

visible JSON object for form control to control the visibility state.
enabled JSON object for form control to control the enabled/disabled state.

					  "": "BBPreChatGuide",
					  "": "12344",
					  "automaton.type": "survey",
					  "constants": [],
					  "nodes": [{
					"": "view1",
					"form-controls": {
					  "0": {
						  "label": "please select your gender",
						  "radio": {
							"id": "gender",
							"options": [
							"selected-index": 0,
							"event": {
							  "name": "EventSix",
							  "when": "onOptionChanged"
					  "1": {
												 "label": "Please accept terms and condition",
							  "checkbox": {
								"id": "terms",
								"items": ["whats up","sfas df as"],
								"validation": {
								  "required": {
									"value": true
								"default-error": "terms and condtion is missing",
								"visible": {
								  "trigger": "EventSix",
								  "guard": "(#view2.gender.selectedIndex == 1)"
								"event": {
								  "name": "EventFive",
								  "when": "onItemChecked"


Creating Guard Condtion

Automaton engine has a built in condition parser and evaluator.

Rules for creating a condition:

Supported Comparison Operators: == , != , > , >= , < , <= , !

Supported Logical Operators: && , ||

Supported in built functions: is_empty

All the operands of logical operators must by parenthesized.

Guard condition must full be parenthesized.

Operands which fetches a form control values or constant value or dynamic variable value must start with #.

Form Control Properties for Condition expressions
text Returns the text value of input control.
selectedIndex Returns selected item index of Radio,Select,List control.
selectedText Returns selected item text of Radio,Select,List control.
item Returns checked state of CheckBox control.
checkedItemsText Returns a comma separated text of all CheckBox control checked items.


(#view2.terms.item.0.isChecked == true)

(#view2.terms.item.1.isChecked == true)


(!(is_empty(#view1.customerName.text))) && (#view2.terms.item.0.isChecked == true)

( == 1)

Configuring Transitions

Transitions in the JSON configuration takes care of navigating the user from one node to another.

Transition engine listens to events fired by the form controls, Upon receiving an event engine looks for a match. All the transition listening to that event gets triggered.

In addition to navigating , transitions also can fire start engage event. Which will transition the UI from Automaton to Messaging screen.

Transition Properties
name name of this transition
from name of the node that this transition object will navigate the user from.
to This property can be as simple as a node name or an object with complex transition logic.
trigger Name of the event that triggers this transition.
Configuring To Property

to transition property can be as simple as a node name to which user should be navigate to or can be an object with complex condition.

	"name": "TransitionOne",
	"from": "view1",
	"to": "view2",
	"trigger": "EventOne"


to object support below property.

guard name of this transition
	"name": "TransitionOne",
	"from": "view1",
	"to": {
		"guard": {
	"trigger": "EventOne"

guard accepts single aswell as an array of objects

Automaton engine executes the condition provided in the guard object. If there is more than one gaurd object, automaton engines executes each one of them till a condition becomes true.

condition condition expression that Automaton engine will parse and execute
onTrue You can set a node name to which user should be navigated if condition turns true. Or you can set a JSON object which triggers an engage event.
onFalse You can set a node name to which user should be navigated if condition turns false.
	"name": "TransitionOne",
	"from": "view1",
	"to": {
		"guard": {
			"condition": "(!(is_empty(#view1.customerName.text))) && (#view2.terms.item.0.isChecked == true)",
            "onTrue": "view3"
	"trigger": "EventOne"

Configuring Engage event transition (Prechat Survey)

You can configure the engine to transition to Messaing upon meeting a condition specified in the onTrue property of guard object.

	"name": "TransitionOne",
	"from": "view1",
	"to": {
	"guard": {
		"condition": "(!(is_empty(#view1.customerName.text))) && (#view2.terms.item.0.isChecked == true)",
			"onTrue": {
				"engage": {
	"trigger": "EventOne"
type Type of the engagement. chat,call
checkAgent If this property present, engine checks for agent availability.
data Use this property to override the engage paramenters.
datapass Use this property to configure datapass information to agent.
Configuring checkAgent Property
isNotHop Provide the node that gets displayed to user if messaging service is not in the Hours of Operation.
buzy Provide the node that gets displayed if agent is buzy.
offline Provide the node that gets displayed if agent is offline.

					 	"widgetType": "survey",
					  "constants": [],
					  "nodes": [{
					"id": "view1",
					"controls": {
					  "0": {
						  	"label": "please select your gender",
							"id": "gender",
							"options": [
							"selectedIndex": 0,
							"event": {
							  "name": "EventSix"

					  "1": {
								"label": "Please accept terms and condition",
								"id": "terms",
								"items": ["whats up","sfas df as"],
								"validation": {
								  "required": {
									"value": true,
									"error":"Terms should be accepted"
								"visible": {
								  "trigger": "EventSix",
								  "guard": "(#view2.gender.selectedIndex == 1)"
								"event": {
								  "name": "EventFive"

    "name": "TransitionOne",
    "from": "view1",
    "to": "view2",
    "trigger": "EventOne"
      "name": "TransitionTwo",
      "from": "view2",
      "trigger": "EventTwo",
      "to": {
        "guard": [{
          "condition": "(!(isEmpty(#view1.customerName.text))) && (#view2.terms.item.0.isChecked == true)",
          "onTrue": {
            "engage": {
              "type": "chat",
              "data": {
                "openerText": "hi from view 2",
              "datapass": {
            "condition": "(!(isEmpty(#view1.customerName.text))) && (#view2.terms.item.1.isChecked == true)",
            "onTrue": "view4",
            "onFalse": {
              "error": "Please fill date of birth field."


Configuring DataMessage Transitions (Rich Widget)

You can configure the engine to send a data message to VA or agent once user action is completed for Rich content widget

sendMessage property can be added as a property of to object or as a property of onTrue object

Value of displayText property is displayed in the transcript area after user has completed his action

               "name": "TransitionOne",
               "from": "widget1",
               "to": {
               "sendMessage": {
                "trigger": "eventClicked"

Styling Form Controls Container

You can use the following style classes to style controls

	//Prechat Container
	<style name="GuideContainerDefault.GuideContainer"></style>
	//control container
	<style name="GuideItemContainerDefault.GuideItemContainer"></style>
        //Widget container
        <style name="GuideItemContainerDefault.GuideItemContainer"></style>
        <style  name="GuideLabelDefault.GuideLabel"></style>
        <style name="GuideEditTextDefault.GuideEditText"></style>
        <style name="GuideHeadingDefault.GuideHeading"></style>
        <style name="GuideButtonDefault.GuideButtonView"></style>
        <style name="GuideRadioGroupDefault.GuideRadioGroup"></style>
        <style name="GuideRadioButtonDefault.GuideRadioButton"></style>
        //Vertical radio button
        <style name="GuideRadioButtonVerticalDefault.GuideRadioButtonVertical"></style>
        <style name="GuideCheckboxContainerDefault.GuideCheckboxContainer"></style>
        //Checkbox item
        <style name="GuideCheckboxItemDefault.GuideCheckBox"></style>
        <style name="GuideErrorDefault.GuideError"></style>
        //Helper text
        <style name="GuideHelperDefault.GuideHelper"></style>
        <style name="GuideSpinnerDefault.GuideSpinnerView"></style>
        //List header
        <style name="GuideListHeaderDefault.GuideListHeader"></style>
        //List item
        <style name="GuideListItemDefault.GuideListItem"></style>

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