Conversation Controls
Nuance Messaging SDK comes with few custom Converstation views which you can use in your App layout.
Plain Bubble View

Show/Hide Icon
<bool name="useIconInBubbles">true/false</bool>Style Properties
There are various properties that can be set to look and feel of plain bubble view.
Name | type | description |
agentIcon | reference | Set the drawable to be displayed in the agent message bubble. |
customerIcon | reference | set the drawable to be displayed in the agent message bubble. |
agentBubbleColor | color | Agent message bubble background color. |
customerBubbleColor | color | Customer message bubble background color. |
systemBubbleColor | color | System message bubble background color. |
typingBubbleColor | color | Typing message bubble background color. |
agentTextColor | color | Agent message text color. |
customerTextColor | color | Customer message text color. |
systemTextColor | color | System message text color. |
typingTextColor | color | Typing message text color. | agentTextStyle | enum|integer | Set the agent message text style. |
customerTextStyle | enum|integer | Set the customer message text style |
systemTextStyle | enum|integer | Set the system message text style |
typingTextStyle | enum|integer | Set the typing message text style |
agentStrokeColor | color | Set the agent message bubble border color. |
customerStrokeColor | color | Set the customer message bubble border color. |
customerStrokeSize | dimention | Set the customer message bubble border width. |
customerCornerRadius | dimention | Set the customer message bubble border radius. |
agentStrokeSize | dimention | Set the agent message bubble border width. |
agentCornerRadius | dimention | Set the agent message bubble border radius. |
typingStrokeSize | dimention | Set the typing message bubble border width. |
typingCornerRadius | dimention | Set the typing message bubble border radius. |
typingStrokeColor | color | Set the typing message bubble border color. |
systemStrokeSize | dimention | Set the system message bubble border width. |
systemCornerRadius | dimention | Set the system message bubble border radius. |
systemStrokeColor | color | Set the system message bubble border color. |
agentMarginLeft | dimention | Set the agent message bubble left margin. |
agentMarginTop | color | Set the agent message bubble top margin. |
agentMarginRight | dimention | Set the agent message bubble right margin. |
agentMarginBottom | dimention | Set the agent message bubble bottom margin. |
customerMarginLeft | dimention | Set the customer message bubble left margin. |
customerMarginTop | color | Set the customer message bubble top margin. |
customerMarginRight | dimention | Set the customer message bubble right margin. |
customerMarginBottom | dimention | Set the customer message bubble bottom margin. |
typingMarginLeft | dimention | Set the typing message bubble left margin. |
typingMarginTop | color | Set the typing message bubble top margin. |
typingMarginRight | dimention | Set the typing message bubble right margin. |
typingMarginBottom | dimention | Set the typing message bubble bottom margin. |
systemMarginLeft | dimention | Set the system message bubble left margin. |
systemMarginTop | color | Set the system message bubble top margin. |
systemMarginRight | dimention | Set the system message bubble right margin. |
systemMarginBottom | dimention | Set the system message bubble bottom margin. |
agentBubblePadding | dimention | Set the agent message bubble padding size. |
customerBubblePadding | color | Set the customer message bubble padding size. |
typingBubblePadding | dimention | Set the typing message bubble padding size. |
systemBubblePadding | dimention | Set the system message bubble padding size. |
agentBubbletextSize | dimention | Set the agent message text size. |
customerBubbletextSize | color | Set the customer message text size. |
typingBubbletextSize | dimention | Set the typing message text size. |
systemBubbletextSize | dimention | Set the system message text size. |
Public Methods
Along with above styling attributes , you must use below public method to actually set the text in the bubble. This is typically done in the RecyclerViewAdapter.onBindViewHolder
public void setBubbleTypeTextDirection(BubbleType type, String text, String name, ArrowDirection direction)
BubbleType type: Following are the values for bubble type
String text: name to be displayed in the bubble.
String text: text message to be displayed in the bubble.
ArrowDirection direction: For Plain Bubble View ,arrow direction should be set to ArrowDirection.NONE
Arrow Bubble View

To show arrow in Plain Bubble view. Add the following to the resource file
<bool name="useArrowInBubbles">true</bool>Public Methods
Along with the styling attributes , you must use below public method to actually set the text and arrow direction of the bubble. This is typically done in the RecyclerViewAdapter.onBindViewHolder
public void setBubbleTypeTextDirection(BubbleType type, String text, String name, ArrowDirection direction)
BubbleType type: Following are the values for bubble type
String name: name to be displayed in the bubble.
String text: text message to be displayed in the bubble.
ArrowDirection direction: Following arrow directions are available to set.
public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, int position) {
Message message = holder.mItem = mValues.get(position);
if(message.getType() == BubbleType.AGENT_MESSAGE){
holder.bubbleChatLine.setBubbleTypeTextDirection(message.getType(),message.getMessageText(), message.getName(), ArrowDirection.TOP_LEFT);
} else if(message.getType() == BubbleType.CUSTOMER_MESSAGE) {
holder.bubbleChatLine.setBubbleTypeTextDirection(message.getType(),message.getMessageText(), message.getName(), ArrowDirection.BOTTOM_RIGHT);
} else if(message.getType() == BubbleType.TYPING_MESSAGE || message.getType() == BubbleType.SYSTEM_MESSAGE) {
holder.bubbleChatLine.setBubbleTypeTextDirection(message.getType(),message.getMessageText(), message.getName(), ArrowDirection.NONE);
Speech Bubble View

Show/Hide Speech Icon
<bool name="useSpeechChatLine">true/false</bool>Style Properties
There are various properties that can be set to look and feel of Speech bubble view.
Name | type | description |
agentSpeechIcon | reference | Set the drawable to be displayed in the agent message bubble. |
customerSpeechIcon | reference | set the drawable to be displayed in the agent message bubble. |
agentSpeechColor | color | Agent message bubble background color. |
customerSpeechColor | color | Customer message bubble background color. |
systemSpeechColor | color | System message bubble background color. |
typingSpeechColor | color | Typing message bubble background color. |
agentSpeechTextColor | color | Agent message text color. |
customerSpeechTextColor | color | Customer message text color. |
systemSpeechTextColor | color | System message text color. |
typingSpeechTextColor | color | Typing message text color. | agentSpeechTextStyle | enum|integer | Set the agent message text style. |
customerSpeechTextStyle | enum|integer | Set the customer message text style |
systemSpeechTextStyle | enum|integer | Set the system message text style |
typingSpeechTextStyle | enum|integer | Set the typing message text style |
customerSpeechStrokeColor | color | Set the agent message bubble border color. |
agentSpeechStrokeColor | color | Set the customer message bubble border color. |
customerSpeechStrokeSize | dimention | Set the customer message bubble border width. |
customerSpeechCornerRadius | dimention | Set the customer message bubble border radius. |
agentSpeechStrokeSize | dimention | Set the agent message bubble border width. |
agentSpeechCornerRadius | dimention | Set the agent message bubble border radius. |
typingSpeechStrokeSize | dimention | Set the typing message bubble border width. |
typingSpeechCornerRadius | dimention | Set the typing message bubble border radius. |
typingSpeechStrokeColor | color | Set the typing message bubble border color. |
systemSpeechStrokeSize | dimention | Set the system message bubble border width. |
systemSpeechCornerRadius | dimention | Set the system message bubble border radius. |
systemSpeechStrokeColor | color | Set the system message bubble border color. |
agentSpeechMarginLeft | dimention | Set the agent message bubble left margin. |
agentSpeechMarginTop | color | Set the agent message bubble top margin. |
agentSpeechMarginRight | dimention | Set the agent message bubble right margin. |
agentSpeechMarginBottom | dimention | Set the agent message bubble bottom margin. |
customerSpeechMarginLeft | dimention | Set the customer message bubble left margin. |
customerSpeechMarginTop | color | Set the customer message bubble top margin. |
customerSpeechMarginRight | dimention | Set the customer message bubble right margin. |
customerSpeechMarginBottom | dimention | Set the customer message bubble bottom margin. |
typingSpeechMarginLeft | dimention | Set the typing message bubble left margin. |
typingSpeechMarginTop | color | Set the typing message bubble top margin. |
typingSpeechMarginRight | dimention | Set the typing message bubble right margin. |
typingSpeechMarginBottom | dimention | Set the typing message bubble bottom margin. |
systemSpeechMarginLeft | dimention | Set the system message bubble left margin. |
systemSpeechMarginTop | color | Set the system message bubble top margin. |
systemSpeechMarginRight | dimention | Set the system message bubble right margin. |
systemSpeechMarginBottom | dimention | Set the system message bubble bottom margin. |
agentSpeechPadding | dimention | Set the agent message bubble padding size. |
customerSpeechPadding | color | Set the customer message bubble padding size. |
typingSpeechPadding | dimention | Set the typing message bubble padding size. |
systemSpeechPadding | dimention | Set the system message bubble padding size. |
agentSpeechtextSize | dimention | Set the agent message text size. |
customerSpeechtextSize | color | Set the customer message text size. |
typingSpeechtextSize | dimention | Set the typing message text size. |
systemSpeechtextSize | dimention | Set the system message text size. | agentIconStrokeSize | dimention | Set the size of the border around agent Speech Icon. |
agentIconStrokeColor | color | Set the color of the border around agent Speech Icon |
customerIconStrokeSize | dimention | Set the size of the border around customer Speech Icon |
customerIconStrokeColor | color | Set the color of the border around customer Speech Icon |
Public Methods
Along with above styling attributes , you must use below public method to actually set the text in the bubble. This is typically done in the RecyclerViewAdapter.onBindViewHolder
public void setSpeechTypeText(BubbleType type, String text)
BubbleType type: Following are the values for bubble type
String text: text message to be displayed in the bubble.